Heritage Trees Inc.
Earl Culitvars
Heritage Tree Inc. has 21 cultivars and counting. We strive for superior selections in the landscape. Each selection has been grown out and tested by the best professionals in the industry. Please review the selections yourself and let us know if you need anyfurther information on the selction.
Acer Rubrum Cultivar 'Magnificant Magenta U.S. Plant Patent 7,222. A New Red Maple from Northeast Kansas. Burgandy Belle is a vigorous grower. A one year lightly branched whip develops an almost perfect crown, making a tree specimen, especially for the garden center sales
Morris cultivar
Betula nigra 'Cully' cultivar
Magnolia virginiana Cultivar 'Jim Wilson' U.S Plant Patent 12,065
Quercus robur x Quercus muehlenbergii x Quercus macrocarpa 'Taylor' cultivar. U.S. Plant Patent 21,359
Quercus robur x Quercus macrocarpa 'Clemons' cultivar U.S. Plant Patent 11,431
Taxodium distichum 'Mickelson' cultivar
Quercus macrocarpa x Quercus alba 'Atwood' cultivar
Quercus robur fastigiata x Quercus bicolor 'Long' cultivar U.S. Plant Patent 12,673